
Tickets are non-refundable, though we do allow purchasers to transfer their tickets if done so at least 48 hours in advance of the Summit.

Staying in MIAMI

Tablestakes is arranging relationships with local hotels to provide group rates for summit attendees.


We’ll update parking details accordingly.

Breakfast and Lunch

Breakfast and lunch will be provided to all attendees as part of their participation in the Summit. You’ll be able to identify any food preferences you may have during the registration process, and have worked to accommodate everyone’s taste buds.


We will have an official photographer at all Table Stakes events. These photos will be used by Table Stakes and its co-organizers for post-event promotional purposes, as well as use for future Summits. 
Sponsors will have access to the photos exclusively for purposes of highlighting their involvement with our Table Stakes Summit, and will not not extend beyond that.

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